Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Human Beings

So here's the story.

We wanted to play frisbee. We also wanted to see our family and friends regularly. So we combined the two. The result was the Human Beings frisbee team (a shout out to Chad's unhealthy obsession with Community on NBC).

We were an unstoppable force. If by "un" you mean "highly" and by force you mean "comical collection of misfits." But still, we had fun. And we only lost every game we played, which is better than losing more than we played.

The main thing was that we accomplished what we set out to do: we (1) played frisbee, and (2) saw our friends and family. Oh, and we had fun. And cool shirts.

This is not that shirt. We were not the Brasils. We were the Human Beings.

We even had friends come to watch! Yeah. We had fans.

(like this one)

Yeah. We were pretty legit.



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