Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pumpkin Carving!

We bought a pumpkin about a week ago. Last night we finally decided to carve it. These are the sort of pictures that we'd love to take of you and your family! (See our "About" section) Anyway, here are the results:

Here's where the good stuff starts. If you guys have any good names for him, add them in the comments below. We'll let you know what we decide.


  1. Sweet pictures! What kind of camera are you using?

  2. 1. Frankenbits
    2. Pumpstein
    3. Grinkin
    4. Pumpy the Seedless
    5. Hollow Stan
    6. Ol' Glowy One Eye
    7. Patchy: Kin to the Pump
    8. Roundy McTeeth
    9. James CARVEr
    10. Sir Plumpkin Von Melongrin
