Wow, what a month.
January was moving merrily along, and then Chad got sick. Like couldn't get out of bed, missed school for a week sick. Then he started getting better (after almost 2 weeks), and his computer broke. Like straight up wouldn't turn on the-logic-board-was-fried broke.
So we finally got the computer back last week... and realized that it wouldn't read our external hard drive (where all of our pictures are stored). So needless to say, we've had some technical difficulties. But we didn't want to go an entire month without posting, so we felt like we needed to get something up.
So here are some missionary pictures, since Kyle is going on a mission soon. Our editing program is also on the fritz (of course), so these aren't edited at all. They're just a preview of better versions to come.
So here are a few. Behold, the handsome devil!